Manifest Your Success: 50 Motivational Quotes For Young Entrepreneurs

by Aug 28, 2023

Manifestation is an inspirational and motivational process. Successful young entrepreneurs use it to develop the serious motivation needed to act upon their goals and move their entrepreneurial journey forward. Use these motivational quotes to help understand the value of including manifestation as a daily practice. Use these motivational words to enhance your growth and manifest your dreams.  



Manifest Your Success: 50 Motivational Quotes For Young Entrepreneurs



Manifestation works hand in hand with the Law of Attraction and affirmations. It’s not all hocus pocus. It’s a way to put your positive mindset to work. It leads to inspiration in knowing you are on the right path and the motivation to have goals and actually step forward and take actions meant to achieve those goals. It’s how young entrepreneurs make their dreams a reality.

The idea isn’t to live with your head in the clouds. The idea is to possess the self-confidence needed to validate your dream and go for it. 

To paraphrase the old saying, “you will either become an entrepreneur, or you will spend your days working for one.

Use these quotes to inspire and motivate you. 


“Your whole life is a manifestation of the thoughts that go on in your head.” ~ Lisa Nichols

How do you manifest?

These words from subject matter expert, Rhonda Byrne, are helpful in understanding this process. 

“Eliminate all doubt and replace it with the full expectation that you will receive what you are asking for.” 

“We become what we think about. Energy flows where attention goes.” 

“See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it.”

~ Rhonda Byrne


You aren’t asking the universe to drop $1 million onto your doorstep, or for luck in winning a lottery. You still must get up and do the work. (Sorry, not sorry.)
You are changing your mindset. Your vibe. Your energy. 

“You manifest what you believe, not what you want.” ~ Sonia Ricotti



Thinking Image of young entrepreneur Manifest Your Success: 50 Motivational Quotes For Young Entrepreneurs



Manifestation starts with motivational thoughts entrepreneurs plant in our subconscious mind.  

  1. Determine what type of life you want.
  2. Write it down so you can see it.
  3. Believe you can have this reality.
  4. Believe you deserve it.
  5. Believe it is possible for you.
  6. Then close your eyes and visualize having what you want, as if it is already your reality. See it. Feel it. Be grateful.

This moment should feel similar to breathing. The idea is to inhale your dream and exhale your reality. 

Enjoy the moment. Now open your eyes and release your moment into the universe. Go about your day.

Repeat daily.




Image of rock formation with words Preview your coming attractions




Motivational quotes and inspirational words for successful entrepreneurs are often related to the law of attraction!


“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”  ~ Albert Einstein



“What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.”  ~ Buddha



“Envision the future you desire. Create the life of your dreams. See it, feel it, believe it.”  ~ Jack Canfield



“There are no limits to what you can create for you because your ability to think is unlimited!”  ~ Rhonda Byrne



“You don’t become what you want, you become what you believe.”  ~ Oprah Winfrey



“To accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe.”  ~ Anatole France



“What you radiate outward in your thoughts, feelings, mental pictures and words, you attract into your life.”  ~ Catherine Ponder



“Be the energy you want to attract.”  ~ Ralph Smart



“Beware of what you set your heart upon…for it shall surely be yours.”  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson



“All that we are is a result of what we have thought.”  ~ Buddha





Imagine you are already there text on image of young entrepreneur thinking



 These are some of the best quotes to inspire you and help you truly believe.


“To bring anything into your life, imagine that it’s already there.”  ~ Richard Bach



“When you visualize, then you materialize. If you’ve been there in the mind, you’ll go there in the body.”  ~ Dr. Denis Waitley



“Keep your mind fixed on what you want in life: not on what you don’t want.”  ~ Napoleon Hill



 “Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.”  ~ Jack Canfield



“The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.”  ~ Rumi



“Every intention sets energy into motion, whether you are aware of it or not.”  ~ Henry David Thoreau



“You create your own universe as you go along.”  ~ Winston Churchill



“You already have within you everything you need to turn your dreams into reality.”  ~ Wallace D. Wattles



“You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most.”  ~ John Assaraf



“Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.”  ~ Benjamin Disraeli




“If you dream it, you can do it.” ~ Walt Disney quote on image of magic kingdom castle



 These motivational words are from people who used the law of attraction to help their dreams become reality.


“If you dream it, you can do it.” ~ Walt Disney



“If you have a positive frame of mind, you can manifest positive things in your life.”  ~ Alesha Dixon



“See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it.” ~ Bob Proctor



“Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.” ~ Bob Proctor



“We must radiate success before it will come to us. We must become mentally, from an attitude standpoint, the people we wish to become.”  ~ Earl Nightingale



“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”  ~ Oprah Winfrey



“If you want to change anything in your life, change the channel and change the frequency by changing your thoughts.”  ~ Rhonda Byrne



“To live your greatest life, you must first become a leader within yourself. Take charge of your life, begin attracting and manifesting all that you desire in life.”  ~ Sonia Ricotti



“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.”  ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”  ~ Willie Nelson


smiling face



 Create the life you want. Use manifestation to get of your way. 


“Decide what you want. Believe you can have it. Believe you deserve it and believe it’s possible for you.”  ~ Jack Canfield



“Your time is limited. Don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”  ~ Steve Jobs



“Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts your life will start to change.”  ~ Kamil Thomas



“It’s our intention. Our intention is everything. Nothing happens on this planet without it. Not one single thing has ever been accomplished without intention.”  ~ Jim Carrey



“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson



“You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions, and your intentions create your reality.”  ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer



“I attract into my life whatever I give my attention, energy, and focus to, whether positive or negative.”  ~ Michael Losier



“We receive exactly what we expect to receive.”  ~ John Holland



“Your life is the manifestation of your dream; it is an art, and you can change your life anytime that you’re not enjoying the dream.”  ~ Don Miguel Ruiz



“You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions, and your intentions create your reality.”  ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer




Positive thinking quote




“Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.”  ~ Jack Canfield



“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice.”  ~ William Jennings Bryan



“Every intention sets energy into motion, whether you are aware of it or not.”  ~ Gary Zukav



“By choosing your thoughts, and by selecting which emotional currents you will release and which you will reinforce, you determine the quality of your light. You determine the effects that you will have upon others and the nature of the experiences of your life.”  ~ Gary Zukav



“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”  ~ Henry David Thoreau



Have the self-esteem and self-confidence to propel you forward. We aren’t born this way. We all use motivational words and inspirational quotes to boost our belief in ourselves and our dreams. We also work for it, and know we are worthy of the amazing result.

“I am worthy.” Take the moment to say that as you visualize exactly what that means to you. Focus on the end result. Feel it. That’s manifestation. 

Ultimately it comes down to: 

“Whether you think you can or can’t, either way, you are right.” ~ Henry Ford

BLOG CATEGORY: Inspiration

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