At least 15 simple traits of a truly good person come naturally to most of us. The average person wants to be a good human. Entrepreneurs have traits like integrity, compassion, and kindness that make someone a good person within them. Good people understand acting with positivity and contributing to the greater good is still a choice.
Aspire to be a good person. The entrepreneur’s decision to act in a good-natured positive manner benefits you and your business and contributes to the overall good in society.
The result of feeling good and more inspired throughout your day improves your confidence, boosts your self-esteem, and improves your overall health and well-being. The benefits of being a good person are huge.
What makes a good person? Doing what you know is right.
No excuses. Be responsible for your growth and your behavior. Being a good person pays off for you personally, society, and positively impacts the health of your business. It’s the right thing to do for every reason.
“If everyone were a good person, it’d obviously be a better world.” ~ Aaron Paul
The Benefits of Going the Extra Mile
Life –
- Boosts your mood
- Lessens anxiety
- Improves emotional well-being
Health –
- Reduces stress
- Helps manage blood pressure
- Boosts your immune system
Society –
- Creates empathy
- Develops understanding
- Inspires unity
Traits of good people do lead to you becoming better and thought of as a nice person. Treating others the way you want to be treated leads to longer reaching positives that pay back.
Also though, all lead to positives for your business. People wanting to be around you means people also want to work with you. Good people are able to build stronger relationships. Though every situation is different, using the traits of someone who is a good person helps you go the distance on the road of entrepreneurial success!
“This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
What makes someone a good person?
Everyone’s situation is different of course, but the traits of a good person are the same for all of humanity. We don’t possess them all, but we all possess many of them.
These are in alphabetical order… and then there are 15 more. The point is that there are many. Strive for 15 and if you possess more or all and think of more to add to the expanded list, that’s great.
Embraces change
Good manners
“Success to me is being a good person, treating people well.” ~ David LaChapelle
And 15 MORE Personality traits of a good person
How to recognize them? they make choices that correspond with their words. Good people practice etiquette and good manners such as being that someone who holds the door for a stranger. Good people stand for something. They accept constructive criticism. People are drawn to them. They make friends easily. Altruistic people.
Compliment others. Think of others.
Be honest in relationships.
Kind to loved ones. Kind to Everyone.
“If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.” ~ Albert Einstein
It’s never too late to be a good person. You don’t have to give the shirt off your back, but you do need to be respectful and grateful.
Show up. Be responsible to yourself and society – be the good human you are.
You paying it forward continues a cycle of goodness, and one in which we all win. Look at people in a positive manner and assume positive intention.
Need an extra push? Start with being grateful and you will watch all of these traits strengthen within you.
See our articles on gratitude and make it easy on yourself. Create a gratitude wheel. Take yourself on a gratitude scavenger hunt, or create a 25 day challenge. Have fun with it.
You got this.