Random acts of kindness at work have a positive impact on your fellow human beings and on your workplace culture. Entrepreneurs are responsible for creating a workplace environment that is motivational and positive. Make it happen by being present, understanding the dynamics between business and personal needs, and connecting them with unexpected support from your heart. Use these 86 ideas to spark creative, personal thoughts that help you make random acts of kindness day, every day.

Brighten someone’s day with these random acts of kindness.
They’re unexpected. They’re appreciated, and they just might be the nicest thing to happen to this person in a long time.
As an entrepreneur, YOU built this workplace environment. YOU inspire this place!
Don’t let endless priorities and the ever-growing list of tasks take away the inspiration that brought you together in the first place. Build a culture where nice things happening and spreading kindness become normal. Eliminate thoughts of “ugh” and wishes to be literally anywhere else.
Be that person. The one who is charitable and spreads joy. The one who says please and thank you. The one who holds the door. The one who leaves a note of thanks to the maintenance team and emails their owner.
Random acts of kindness in the workplace are for your co-workers, your vendors & business partners, your customers – and yourself!
“No act of kindness is too small. The gift of kindness may start as a small ripple that over time can turn into a tidal wave affecting the lives of many.” ~ Kevin Heath

Random acts of kindness in the workplace
Walk the walk
1.) Be responsible for the energy YOU bring into the workplace.
2.) Assume positive intent.
3.) Make sharing kindness in your workplace part of your mission.
4.) Add November 13th to your calendar and celebrate World Kindness Day.
5.) Hang the Random Acts of Kindness Calendar where everyone sees it.
6.) Don’t just post progress reports. Celebrate success.
7.) Recognize an unsung hero.
8.) Ask someone for their opinion and consider their position.
9.) Recognize someone who recently disagreed with you and opened your eyes to a new possibility.
10.) Ask a significant other to come celebrate or join you for lunch.
11.) Meet outside. Break the monotony
12.) Start and end meetings or appointments on time.
13.) Have them sit in on important business planning meetings, letting them know how and why they have a stake in it. Incorporate what they need in updated direction. Determine if that SMART goal make sense for where we are. Show them how the business plan shapes your own weekly and daily plan.
14.) Give them unexpected time.
15.) Invite someone on a walk or tell them to take 10 and get some air while you cover the phones
16.) Schedule a brainstorming session to help on a work issue.
17.) Get their input on your evolving target market or on a new opportunity and build a marketing program off of it.
18.) Use Six Thinking Hats as an effective twist.
19.) Tie up their loose ends before the weekend or a vacation. “I’ll make that call so you can get out the door.”
20.) Do NOT be the boss who:
- berates them before they leave for the weekend or vaca.
- reminds them of all they need to do when they get back.
- calls them when they walk out the door.
- No Teams on the phone. No email.
You are the boss who lets them completely disconnect.
21.) Give them 15 minutes away while you cover – so they can listen to an inspiring podcast you recommended on your time.
22.) Run an errand for them. The days of invisible employees picking up their bosses’ wives’ clothes at a dry cleaner actually existed. Not anymore. Now – the boss helps out. It’s mutual “hey, I got you,” assistance while someone is running out and passing the grocery store or picking up a couple fresh condiments for the shared refrigerator.
Make improving the physical environment a team building activity
23.) Make a random act of kindness board or wall & make the first post. If no one posts, You keep posting. If still no one posts, your environment isn’t one of support and kindness. Evaluate your leadership skills, ask some questions, and be open to that feedback. Maybe it’s your leadership. Maybe this isn’t your tribe. The point of a team is to row together so it’s you or them. Figure it out.
24.) Create a private break area cut off from the desks. Give them a place to put their feet up with easy access to music, sounds, or silence.
25.) Clean the breakroom. Run vinegar through a shared coffee pot even if you don’t use it. Air out the microwave.
26.) Bring in the seasons through a basket of pinecones, fresh cut flowers, or scented soap, or a nicely scented hand cream & hand sanitizers.
27.) Bring in a plant and put it in an “easy to remember to water it” area!
28.) Put a chair by a window.
29.) Let your team face their desks differently. Let them see the clouds rolling in or turn from distractions. Whatever they want that’s within reason.
30.) Add a basket of toys – fidget spinners, squeezies.
31.) Pull up the random acts of kindness foundation website together.
Do this – Not just on random acts of kindness day
32.) Say “please” and “thank you”
33.) Use proper etiquette.
34.) Thank a veteran for his or her service.
35.) Hold the door open for the person behind you.
36.) Hold it for the line of people behind you.
37.) Hold the elevator when they are running to catch it.
38.) Lend someone a spare umbrella.
39.) Keep a basket with spare umbrellas and snow brushes.
40.) Brush the snow off of their car. It’s a great surprise, they’ll no doubt appreciate!
41.) Pay for the person after you.
42.) Put money in a stranger’s parking meter.
Strangers appreciate gestures of kindness, then enter their own workplace more inspired.

43.) Thank them.
~ Thank you for showing up today.
~ Thank you for remaining calm and focused during this chaotic week.
~ Thank you for helping create our company’s foundation and allowing us to grow.
~ Thank you for your dedication. I appreciated being able to disconnect for a bit.
Saying “Thank you” is the best of all random acts of kindness ideas for the workplace!
If there are 52 ways to be kind, all 52 relate to expressing thanks!
Any time you show kindness to others, you are thanking them.
44.) Introduce yourself to someone you don’t know.
45.) Express gratitude. Not just during random acts of kindness week!
46.) Start a conversation.
47.) Listen to someone’s story.
48.) Compliment their work.
49.) Offering positive feedback is meaningful when it’s someone you see regularly and to those you’ve never properly spoken with…until now!
50.) Give them a sincere, unexpected compliment – something unique or meaningful.
51.) Let them know they are making a difference. Tell them how.
52.) Be fully present.
53.) If you normally do all the talking, listen more.
54.) Ask how they are really doing. Like really doing. With eye contact and without the 2 second moment tied to only “great (or sorry) to hear that” “we’ll catch up later.”
55.) If they ask you, tell them and end with “thanks for asking.”
56.) Expand their network. Introduce them.

Celebrate random acts of kindness, sharing in person or from a distance.
57.) Remind them they are capable of greatness & you’re rooting for them.
58.) Ask about their upcoming plans and listen.
Remind yourself to ask how it went when they return!
59.) Share how they inspire you. Share a quality in them that you admire.
60.) Compliment their work on a project.
61.) Send an encouraging text or email.
62.) Acknowledge their successes.
Motivational quotes posted every day inspire some and create instant eyerolls for others. It’s so salesy. Don’t overdo it. Maybe send a meaningful quote with “reading this reminded me of you” or our team.
63.) Leave a kind note on their desk – “Thank you for all you do.“
64.) Send a message, even when you’re busy.
65.) Ask if they need help on a work project. Then help – particularly if they’re struggling.
66.) Write a glowing recommendation.
67.) Endorse someone on LinkedIn.

Promote kindness in the workplace.
68.) Create an office care package.
~ to welcome a holiday or first day of a season.
~ because Mercury is in retrograde, and the world seems crazy.
~ for meeting a reasonable goal for which you were striving.
~ for meeting a goal they didn’t know existed.
69.) Pick up extra coffees on your way in.
70.) Bring in a fresh flower from your garden. Leave various size vases and inspire them to bring in theirs.
71.) Bring in seasonal flowers they can take home or give to a loved one.
Make up for not having a convenient and nice café in your work building!
72.) Share veggies you grew or found at a farm stand.
73.) Stock the fridge – water & perishables, new condiments, etc.
74.) Stock other sharable snacks or the candy bowl.
75.) Bring in new coffee flavors or mugs.
76.) Then make a fresh pot.
77.) Order lunch on behalf of someone but for the team
78.) Give a $5 gift card toward a drink. If they do not want it, they can pass it on.
79.) Tell them you’re bringing in breakfast or take a drink order
80.) Or simply stop in with breakfast or something to share on your day off.
81.) Pass along coupons.
82.) Bring in extra umbrellas and snow brushes
83.) Pass on books you enjoyed.
Remember that equality matters though. When the marketing team gets a Huge thank you basket and everyone else gets a pair of uncomfortable socks, that’s not motivational. Equal & sharable is best.
84.) Share something positive you noticed today like a new opening or a great storefront window,
85.) Organize a volunteer day in exchange for a day off.
86.) Create a glove giving tree – or any giving tree – at any time of year.
Did you know gloves are a most requested charitable item? Offer that others can contribute but you start, and you continue. Continually asking employees short on funds to buy and give gets old. However, delivering it together on behalf of the company during regular work hours does not!
It’s also vitally important to remain connected. Don’t be the person who “doesn’t get it.” Being kind at work isn’t just an act.
Just because you’re working in the office doesn’t mean you are connected. You know you’ve had this experience in your life!

“If we all do one random act of kindness daily, we just might set the world in the right direction.” ~ Martin Kornfeld
You were and continue to be responsible for the energy you bring to your workplace. This is walking the walk.
Your point isn’t about religion or politics. It’s not a debate. It’s about humanity. Let your vision and inner spirit lead you.
Make doing a good turn daily part of your personal mission. Make kindness the norm. Random acts of kindness inspired by basic courtesy drive the most employee engagement too.
Let a paying it forward mentality inspire your personal vision and your work environment vision. Big or small, every kindness you show brightens someone’s day and brightens yours as well. Start the ripple effect.
You got this.