Entrepreneurs grow with the help of great mentors, and great mentors enjoy helping others. They recognize the talent and abilities within us and inspire us to become your best selves. Mentors nurture what’s within and help maximize mentee potential. These mentor quotes are motivational, and they’ll help you understand the mentorship roles and how to partner. Inspirational quotes like these fill business owners with enthusiasm and instill a sense of duty. Achievement is on your horizon.

Great mentors inspire great entrepreneurs!
These quotes help you understand the mentor and mentee roles to help you plan and also manage expectations. Entrepreneurs benefit greatly from the support of mentors, so using your time productivity is highly beneficial to you.
Seek out mentors throughout your career and soak in their knowledge. The delicate balance of mentoring someone involves your mentor’s inspiring words of wisdom while using your mentorship plan to effectively grow your skills and your business.
When flying through days at the speed of light, mentors and mentees can make assumptions and become confused about their mentorship roles. These inspiring mentoring quotes help you understand the relationship between a mentor and a mentee.
Great mentors share certain characteristics including:
- Positive energy that helps build trust and mutual commitment.
- Time and the ability to help develop and fulfill the mentorship agreements.
- Relevant experience in your industry and/or their ability to grow your skillset.
Mentoring someone is not creating a mentee in their own image, and it’s not a mentee expecting the mentor to solve their entrepreneurial business needs. It’s about two great people with a desire to give back and learn, where the mentee has the opportunity to learn directly from someone who can positively affect their skillset.
This article is focused on understanding the role of your mentor and appreciating. See our other articles to understand how to select a mentor, how to build a relationship, and how to build a mentorship plan.

Mentor quotes explaining the mentor’s role.
From the mentor’s perspective, it’s about giving them the opportunity to create. Use these mentorship quotes to help create another leader – another great leader!
We’ve learned that people will forget what you said but not what you do. In this case we tell a mentor to put yourself in your mentee’s shoes to understand their perspective and needs, but we do not tell them to do it for them!
“If you cannot see where you are going, ask someone who has been there before.”
~ J Loren Norris
“I encourage all of you to seek out teachers and mentors that challenge you to think for yourself and guide you to find your own voice.”
~ Renee Olstead
“Surround yourself with people who are going to take you higher.”
~ Oprah Winfrey
“One of the greatest values of mentors is the ability to see ahead what others cannot see and to help them navigate a course to their destination.”
~ John C. Maxwell
“A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you than you see in yourself and helps bring it out of you.”
~ Bob Proctor
“A great mentor helps you to achieve what seems impossible.”
~ Mariela Dabbah
“A mentor is not someone who walks ahead of you to show you how they did it. A mentor walks alongside you to show you what you can do.”
~ Simon Sinek
“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.”
~ John C. Crosby
Your mentor’s goal is to help you grow. To help you become more. Your mentor’s role is not to make you like them. They don’t – and shouldn’t – be seeking members of their fan club for humoring you.
They need you to stretch and succeed.
”We all need someone who inspires us to do better than we know how.”
~ Anonymous
”Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Mentoring should be a fulfilling relationship between somebody with more experience and somebody with less, with the goal of helping both individuals become elevated versions of themselves.”
~ Janice Omadeke & Brene Brown
“Colleagues are wonderful, but mentors, that’s where the real work gets done.”
~ Junot Diaz
“The mediocre mentor tells. The good mentor explains. The superior mentor demonstrates. The greatest mentors inspire!”
~ Lucia Ballas Traynor

Mentorship roles from university and alumni perspective!
Be humble enough to realize that mentees don’t just take. It’s not the mentor’s role to find you a job. It’s not the mentor’s role to push you to show up.
Be connected enough in advance to value the mentorship opportunity, your future mentor’s time, and know how the objectives you set together will positively impact your future.
“Everyone knows that it’s much easier to be a mentee than a mentor, but the culture of our campus dissolves when we don’t make the effort to create a home for those coming after us.”
~ Anuli Ononye
“The do’s and don’ts of mentoring. Passion and compassion in leadership. Practice ethics. The guiding questions of the mentor, roles and ground-rules of the mentee and mentor relationship, strengthening and deepening of the gifts and talents of the mentee. Bringing leadership skills home in a way where everybody wins.”
~ From the Sundust Oracle Institute: M + L: The heart and soul of mentorship and leadership.
Understanding your role in the mentoring relationship.
You are half of this partnership, so be prepared to put in the effort and maximize the mentorship plan.
Selecting the right mentor is very important. Making that determination requires you to think through your mentorship goal, your personal style, the time you’ll commit and your personal learning style.
Your metacognitive insights will be very helpful in ensuring a successful mentorship.
“The mentee is the driver, and the mentor is the copilot, helping them get to their destination.”
~ Victoria Black
“The objective of the relationship should be well-defined from the start. I have met people who expect mentors to be available 24/7, which is never the case. Mentees should understand and respect the value of the mentor’s time and vice-versa.”
~ Dr. Enitome Bafor
“The mentor-mentee relationship is ideally like that of the guru and disciple: motivated by the desire of the guru to impart knowledge to the disciple.”
~ Vivek Wadhwa
“You learn more from failure than from success. Don’t let it stop you. Failure builds character.”
~ Unknown
This refers to a corporate role, but it absolutely translates to entrepreneurs. Success is success, no matter where the ladder rests.
“Employees who have been mentored receive promotions 5x more frequently than their peers.”
~ Go1

“No one can decide the road that inspires us to kick-start a journey better than the one embarking on the path. We may find others joining our journey, but we have to take the first step alone to reach our destination.”
~ Dr. Prem Jagyasi
Mentoring programs are motivational and should leave you feeling inspired.
Inspirational mentoring is more than reading inspirational quotes about mentoring, right? Right!
Do not expect your mentor to do it for you. Don’t expect your mentor to find that job, take that step, or map out your path for you.
Do be inspired though. Allow yourself to be inspired. No holding back.
You must take that first step. You must have the will.
Final words from the incomparable Diana Ross:
“You know, you do need mentors, but in the end, you really just need to believe in yourself.”
~ Diana Ross
As a mentee, have the will to learn and follow through and display those characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.
However accept help and support from mentors and your fan club. They are creating your early culture of accountability.
You cannot learn everything the hard way. You won’t live long enough, and your business won’t make it, so don’t be cavalier.
I’m not sure why you’d want to anyway. You’ll work hard enough as it is!
Mentors are people who make a difference. They are positive influences whose gifts would not be passed on without mentoring and without their dedicated time. Your mentor gets what it takes to become the best version of yourself, so do also take time to stop and thank your mentor.
You got this.