Gap years taken after your high school or college graduation are a great opportunity to develop clarity and the skillsets you need as a successful entrepreneur. Fill yourself and your environment with inspiration to move forward. Motivate yourself to plan and make the most of this time. What inspires students to take a gap year? The time to self-develop, absorb, and practice before continuing on your path and developing your business.

Your gap year is the best opportunity to develop your thoughts, your plans, and gain additional skills.
Gap year students build confidence and know how during their gap year. It’s an especially big win for student entrepreneurs developing their own business.
- What skills or types of practice and exposure you need.
- How a mentor and developing your network will help.
What do you want to achieve?
As you consider your business model, know your own gaps – and how to fill them!
Gap year programs are an important part of your strategy.
* Be inspired and determined to figure it out.
* It’s the opportunity to apply the knowledge you’ve gained, and practice your skills, and learn some more.
* Appreciate the opportunity to create extra time between serious focus at school and serious focus on your career goals and home.
* Be inspired to dig into your business plan and determine your next steps.
* Be inspired by your reality and your ability to create an effective strategy.

Follow your passion!
There are endless reasons for taking a gap year. A gap year allows you to
- Be inspired by your sense of purpose.
- Let your momentum do your driving.
Or let your drive to succeed get you moving.
If you are considering a gap year, consider your business plan. You have one, right? offers a free very basic business plan guide. Take advantage of free resources.
Every business needs a plan with SMART objectives. It’s time and focus you owe yourself.
Every student entrepreneur needs the gap year advantage to create their edge over the competition. ‘But that only happens if you use your time wisely.
Personal gap years don’t require travel or high expenses.
ABSOLUTELY Do Not discount your family, friends, and local areas! However you personally define family, friends, and locale, they are some of your best resources. It’s a wealth of rich resource areas with no money involved!
* Be inspired by home.
* By family. By dreams they chased. And by reasons they didn’t.
* Be inspired by recognizing that you do not know it all.
* Be inspired by your ability to overcome.
* Be inspired by those you didn’t understand but who you now know overcame.
* Be inspired by growing up – and growing wiser by the day.
* Be inspired by sage advice.
* Be inspired being UNDECIDED.
* By not getting in!
* By Not handling it well.
* Be inspired by YOU and your opportunity to rebrand yourself. It’s your refreshed opportunity to stand out from the others.
* Be inspired by your broader sense of purpose and direction.
* Be inspired by your ability to contribute.
And by knowing you do contribute.
* Be inspired by structured programs or self-guided exploration.
* By working and feeling what it’s like to earn, not have nearly enough, and need to make choices.
* By budgeting and knowing how compounding will help you build in every facet of your life.
* By knowing you’ll gain a broader worldview.

Take a gap year to learn from new cultures!
Whether your gap year is between high school and college or helping you determine if you will complete college or even going to college, there are many reasons why a gap year or semester-long break might have you saying, it’s the best decision I’ve made.
Use this time to explore the world – you don’t have to travel far.
You can do it virtually. You can join cultural organizations here at home. Or you can get on a plane.
You can simply go out into your neighborhood. There’s so much to uncover.
* Be inspired by exploration, new destinations, AND new ideas.
Cultural experience is right there in your own neighborhood. Go meet people. Share your dream. Ask questions.
Related this thought directly to your business.
Who is your target market? Let this answer direct you.
- Where do they live?
- What do they do for work?
- With their free time?
- Why will they take money out of their pocket and buy your product?
* Be inspired by new experiences. New paths. Travel.
* Exposure to different cultures expand your thinking and your understanding of your target market.
* Networking opportunities abound.
* Reach out to alumni who’ve been there. And can lend a hand.
* Use the gap year association resources to craft your plan.

Again – What do you want to achieve?
Take time to reflect.
Students may be inspired by literally anything that connects you to your dream!
What you’re sure of. What you’re interested in. High school students, graduates of any program who are aspiring entrepreneurs have dreams at a young age but have much to learn. Be humble and spend a year figuring it out.
* Be inspired by:
- other students who take a gap year.
- keeping your options open.
- not telling everybody everything.
- or by telling them everything.
* Be inspired by clarity.
* Be inspired by deepened awareness. Personal awareness. Professional awareness. Practical awareness.
* Be inspired by the awareness of the world around you. And by knowing you fit – and how you fit – but that it doesn’t revolve around you.
* That growing up means realizing no that world owes you nothing. But you owe others a lot.
A gap year should be intentional. Have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish, how you’re going to accomplish it, and why you’re doing it will help others buy into your plan. It demonstrates that you see this as an opportunity for growth, not a vacation.
Gap years are not limiting. They are the opposite. It’s a time for students to explore. To understand your limits – and your opportunities.
* Be inspired by this rite of passage
* By the lack of formality.
* By the flexibility to embark on a wide range of endeavors
* By reflection
* By self-discovery.
* By college applications.
* By decisions about the most worthwhile college credits
* By financial aid – or the lack thereof.
Gap programs are a time where formal obligations are put aside in order to gain practical experiences and learn new skills. Gap year programs give students time to develop a new perspective.
Perhaps it’s a gap semester – regardless, a gap year can help you better understand your passions and aspirations. Students who want an immersion into another culture want to learn outside the classroom and want to pursue dreams backed by this valuable experience. Focus on the skills and experiences you’ll gain and this time in your life will yield dividends.
You’ll understand what it means to yield dividends and it will enhance your plan to study and build a successful future. Students who elect to take time off from school to focus on experiential learning may avoid burnout, get away from peer pressure, and develop higher motivation, as they discover what they truly want out of life.
Be inspired!
* By transformation. Yours. Someone else’s.
Focus on select life skills that aren’t taught in a classroom, including adaptability, problem-solving, critical thinking, effective communication, and maintaining objectivity.
Work alongside a friend or relative at home and learn about responsibility and how it feels to come home and cook dinner after a long day. Or when meal prepping can save time and increase your good health. Learn a new cooking or cleaning skills every week. What’s it mean to be a responsible adult?
Cook. Clean. Do laundry. Make your bed. Clean the sink. Start a plant in an empty jar and watch it take root.
* By personal growth as you develop independence, resourcefulness, confidence, and self-awareness.
Become enriched outside of the classroom. A break from formal education allows you to recharge and renew your spirit.
* By your own work experience or your community contributions.
Go for it! Make a positive impact on the lives of others.
* Discover new interests that make you feel stronger and less academically challenged.
* Save money. Save up to support future endeavors. Make your own coffee. Make it special.
Student entrepreneurs! Be inspired to bridge the gap between trade school, college, grad school, or embarking upon your career path. Always remember – knowledge is power.
As you continue to build your business and develop your business model, a gap year offers an opportunity to grow up and an opportunity to develop your thoughts and skills. Use it to your advantage.
You got this.