Summer marketing is most impactful when your content is fresh, real, and relatable. Bring your e-commerce and local content marketing to life using very human summer marketing ideas that create consumer connections leading to the impressions and sales your business needs.

Your target audience loves the human connection, and your most effective marketing materials and summer marketing campaigns should invite them in. Use your stories to develop your brand identity and use social media marketing to help spread the word. Nothing new there!
They’re looking for a story, so give them one!
Surround them with various content types. Video content, email marketing campaigns, and other manners of reach should all mirror your summer collection. YES, you should develop a theme – your personal summer collection.
Connect to your audience with a personal narrative. Use your own pieces of content to directly show off your products and services or to drive sales with an indirect message to potential customers. You know what works. Just freshen it up.
Developing a networking effect is another way to lead to sales and conversions. It can create a sense of urgency. Or not.
Summer is a great time to evaluate and test. Try various media channels, a different approach to marketing or simply try a new approach to creating content. See how your customers respond and if you increase your reach.
In what can be a very lonely world, we like being part of something. Once you find each other, followers and subscribers will appreciate the connection.
Create your summer marketing strategy.
You don’t need to give away products to raise brand awareness.
Create personal positivity.
Get us to believe in possibilities.
The difference between half full and half-empty is witnessed in traffic. There are people who are frustrated, and those who turn it around as an opportunity to see a bird fly by or a skyline that would have otherwise missed. You might see someone loving their music or witness someone’s frustration and wish they could just appreciate the moment, because frustration got them nowhere faster.

It’s Hot? Humid? Yeah. Okay. But you got to feel it. Some people didn’t – and won’t ever.
Whether you built a huge following or not, you are the #1 influencer for your brand. So go be exactly that! A great marketer will inspire us.
2023 Summer marketing campaign ideas
- Talk to us – to me!
- Be human.
- Evoke personal emotion.
- Remind us life is short.
- Give us faith to believe in bigger and better things.
- Tell us a story.
- Tell us your story.
- Remind us life’s worth living.
- Make us say, “Hey look what they did. Cool.” or “Let’s go there!”
- Remind us of the sometimes overlooked or forgotten basics of life.
- Share unexpected twists and turns.
- Relate personal stories, offering light or serious lessons to remember.
- Share incredible journeys.
- Or just share a journey.

More summer marketing ideas
- Share a proven path always taken.
- Or tell us how you made your choice when two roads diverged in a yellow wood. (with a nod to Robert Frost)
- Shower us with surprise endings.
- Offer comfy moments to reflect.
- Wow!
- Invoke memories of things we forgot about but loved or liked.
- Call us to action.
- Make us cry happy tears.
- Makes us cry sad but inspired tears.
- Surprise us.
- Remind us we’re one of a kind!
- Show us how you embrace life.

‘And….MORE content marketing thought starters
Your content marketing campaigns can remind us there is more to us and to life.
- Challenge our assumptions.
- Show how you, as David are able to beat Goliath.
- Dreams come true.
- Inspire us to take a chance.
- Try harder. Make me want to try harder!
- Notice and share appreciation of even the tiniest of good things that happen to you.
- Remind me that I matter.
- We all matter.
- Share your unexpected twist. Yes, it could be an ice cream twist.
- Make us laugh.
- Make us smile.
- Tell us to Never give up.
- Shhh… Tell us a secret.
- Confirm something I already knew – or thought I knew.
- Up the wow factor.
- Make me say out loud, “Wait… really?”
Your best marketing efforts on paper or in your brain will tie ideas to your overall marketing strategy. Build it out. For example, your digital marketing strategy then turns visual content into video content. Those further tie to your promotions, which lead you to conversion and sales! It’s a process.
You ARE a content marketer. It’s part of your job. It’s important to make sure you are also motivated and recognize it’s a process that works.
It’s less about a near-zero % margin and more about presentation and engagement.
Even when you get stumped, you know there are engaging ways to interact with your customers.
Knowing your audience helps determine what efforts to reach them and what ways to show them love will increase sales and build brand awareness. It’s also a great time to partner with another business or organization.
Young entrepreneurs absolutely get this.
Keep going – here are additional marketing thought starters + create your own
- Tell us what you learned.
- Provide entertaining education.
- Tell me something I never knew.

- Be the industry expert.
- Talk through your sales tactics, telling us what works.
- Tell us what marketing services you use and are worth the investment.
- Offer free advice to other entrepreneurs.
- Be the one they Google or go to for advice.
- List a few how to’s” and facts.
- Solve a problem.
- Hacks! We neeeeeeed them! We love them!
- Did you know?
- Tell us the top ways to tackle an issue!
- Here’s how to fix it quickly.
- Share your world with us.
Combine all of this into your marketing strategy. Maybe you offer a discount or free gift of some sort. Maybe not. Maybe a well-timed flash sale and pop up shop with seasonal availability might work as effective ways to increase sales. It’s a great time to open your mind to new ideas and test out short-term strategies.
Mostly, start to feel more comfortable connecting. No one needs to come over and knock at your door at home but use your free tools to boost sales online and offline by creating that connection to your brand identity. There are ways to create thought invoking social media posts and build your presence on Facebook, for example, without overstepping.
Take the term “one of the best ways” very personally! Your best way and what works for your needs is what is most important.
Summer is a great sales season for many businesses. Whether it is for you or if it’s a slower season, give your customers the opportunity to connect. Engage your customers. You want them to interact with your brand. You want people to share your marketing content.
Prospects and customers are equally important in your business equation, and at some point, they’ll all be out enjoying longer days and nicer weather, and they’ll also be online. You want customers to tag you on social sites and talk about your business at the next BBQ. Give them a reason and way to convert! You got this!