8 Steps Keep Entrepreneurs Going Through Tough Times

by Oct 17, 2024


Entrepreneurs are known for their business savvy and their ability to overcome tough times and challenges with ease. Maintaining a positive entrepreneurial mindset and accepting the fact that challenging times and getting past a fear of failure are normal helps entrepreneurs surmount obstacles. When the going gets tough, work your plan. Stay focused, use your network, and view difficulties as opportunities to help you stay afloat until you achieve your goal.

8 Steps Keep Entrepreneurs Going Through Tough Times

When it comes to owning your own business, perseverance often means the difference between making it and not making it.

Of course there are a million and one reasons to quit, but there are a million and two reasons to keep going. Too many times entrepreneurs gave up just when they could have turned a profit, but continual challenges had led them to the breaking point. 

Often they blame time, a lack of skill, and the fact that they needed to earn more in order to survive – all valid.

Naysayers are also incredibly powerful.

Before you give up. Look at your business plan, know if you’ve got something people need, know you are following your plan, and consider creative options and viable alternatives that can get you through.

It begins and ends with your business plan.

If you did not know this, now you do.

Get through your entrepreneurial challenges.  

 1.) Remember why you started. 



remember why you started

Hurdles yes. Fear, no.

Build your business plan. It can be simple. But it’s a living document that you base your daily priorities upon.

Entrepreneurs all experience tough times.  

2.) Introduce your self-doubt to your self-confidence


Always Know Your Way

As you continue along your journey, remember the words of Ben Carson:

“The ark was built by amateurs, the Titanic by professionals.”


Your business plan keeps you focused. Your business plan keeps you grounded.


3.) Slow down. 




reduce speed

Go back to your plan. What’s working. What SMART goals need to be readjusted.

Remove the emotion. Know your facts. Evolve with your plan. 

Is your target market the same? Are their needs changing? What need to you fulfill? 

Remember during the Covid lockdown, we needed toilet paper. We also “needed” to keep busy and did home renovation and beautification products. We also “needed” to smell candles at Wal-Mart and TJ Maxx.

What we really needed was small business survival.

Your business is your canvas.

4.) Know your “why,” and focus on your plan.

john lennon quote Every Child is an artest

“The two most engaging powers of an author are to make new things familiar and to make familiar things new.”  ~ Samuel Johnson

You will partner with a mentor, and seek the advice of business partners and fellow employees. 

But – YOU are the artist. YOU crafted this product and the plan to support it.

YOU got this.

5.) Handle naysayers with grace, and keep going. 


Kick ass quote




Whoever counted you out can’t count.

Work your plan, and go kick some ass.

SMART goals bring your dream alive.

6.)  Entrepreneurship is about your purpose. 

Best career advice

Your business plan starts with you vision, your mission, your Purpose.

If you have forgotten, go re-read it. Keep going.

Learn how to manage stress using your daily plan. 

7.) Take your breaks. Recharging is good for you – and your business. 



cat stretching

Daily planning allows you to live a full life. Yes entrepreneurs work a lot. So does everyone who is trying to make it and trying to get ahead. Most of us have worked 2 and 3 jobs to get there. Two full-time jobs is really rough but we do it. Put in your time, yes, but work your plan.

Base your daily priorities on your business plan objectives. Your full day includes a beginning and an end – with breaks for eating, stretching, exercise, and smiles throughout.

Entrepreneurship requires a positive outlook and a mindful care for your own well-being

8.) Natural kindness toward others starts with self-kindness. 


kindness begins

Kindness to others and self-kindness are imperative to your success in life.

Don’t be the one who makes others say, “bless your heart.” Life is such a gift.

Appreciate your gift of time. It’s what allowed you to have memories, to make things better, to leave the world a better place… and to your all of your energy and creativity to bring your dream alive.

It begins and ends with your business plan.

If you did not know this, you just received 8 reminders.

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart – you know this. Difficult times will exist for every successful business person. Face them. You also know you are here for a reason. Boss up. Thrive. You are going for the long-term win. You got this.

Daily Habits Of Successful Entrepreneurs (envisionaryme.com)

BLOG CATEGORY: Inspiration

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