Student Journey

Do Entrepreneurs Need A College Degree To Start A Business?

Higher education prepares entrepreneurs for success in starting a business. While you do not need to go to college and do not need a degree to become a successful entrepreneur, the education and training received makes the process of entering the business world...

25 Traits of A Great Mentor:  Where Entrepreneurship Majors Find Support

Great mentors share similar traits, not similar titles. Entrepreneurship majors want a mentor who is a role model and who also recognizes their talent and natural abilities. Though the right mentor may have an individual specialty, the personal traits that make a good...

Life Skills Make Effective Mentoring Activities

Mentoring activities that include exposure to life skills both maximize time and help mentees develop necessary business skills. Mentors and mentees may be surprised to discover how valuable life skills practice is and how easy it is to use them in conjunction with...

Start-up Mentorship Program Activities: For Entrepreneurship Majors

Mentorship activities designed to support opening and running a business are especially helpful to entrepreneurship majors. Mentors help mentees gain learnings from activities offering exposure, new business experience, and insights into areas such as planning,...

Mentorship Activities for Entrepreneurship Majors

Entrepreneurial mentorship activities offer start-up experience and small business insights for entrepreneurship majors and student entrepreneurs. New mentors want to create a worthwhile mentorship experience with goals set to embrace their mentee's competencies and...

Foolproof Your Mentorship Plan Using Metacognition

Metacognition is like a secret weapon when it comes to structuring a mentorship plan. Mentors and mentees find their mentorship programs are most successful when the student's needs, personal interests, and learning styles are all considered and worked into the plan....

How To Create A Mentoring Plan For Entrepreneurship Majors

  Creating a mentorship plan includes a formalized objective-setting process supporting the growth and professional development of the entrepreneurship major. All mentorship programs include the need to write a plan, agree upon strategic activities, timing, and a...

How Student Entrepreneurs Become Thoughtful Risk Takers

Student entrepreneurs should take risks when starting their business, but how much risk must be carefully considered. Successful entrepreneurs tend to be risk-takers and become good at calculating risks associated with their businesses. The combination of strong...

Why Student Entrepreneurs Should Be Risk Takers

Taking risks is beneficial for student entrepreneurs. Learn how to balance risk with opportunities to grow your business and include a calculated or thoughtful risk strategy into your business plan. Being a risk-taker does not mean continually throwing caution to the...

How To Be A Great Mentor To An Entrepreneurship Major

  Flexible, creative mentorship programs meet the needs of both the mentor and the mentee. Successfully mentoring a fellow entrepreneur one-on-one requires good communication and planning. The program does not need to be traditional, but a great mentor knows...

ENTREPRENEURSHIP MAJORS: 65 Insightful Questions To Ask A Mentor

  Ask your mentor questions! Your mentoring relationship will improve when you ask for advice, thoughts on how to prepare or demonstrate leadership skills, or how to network and establish yourself. Successful mentoring relationships begin with preparation....