Grow your business in 2023 with advice from successful business owners. Utilizing proven business tips will start new and young entrepreneurs off on the right track and help those building or rebuilding a business stay ahead of the game. Technically, you CAN learn everything the hard way, but why would you?
Wherever you are along your entrepreneurial journey – whether you are a young entrepreneur starting a business, a small business owner with a great opportunity, someone opening a new business for the first time, or those in need of business tips to strengthening a new product, service or online store, heeding the advice of those who have been there and know your struggles and your motivational needs will help! When successful entrepreneurs share their best business tips, you know these pieces of advice are worth considering!
At first, a new or young entrepreneur, may ask:
Can entrepreneurship be taught?
Is entrepreneurship a career?
Is entrepreneurship for me?
How can business tips help?
- You have a great, steady income already, right?
- You don’t need to sleep? Like ever?
- You have years and years………..AND YEARS………. of time to waste, I mean, DEDICATE, to learning the hard way, right?
Others though, possibly wiser than you, realize it’s a hard knock life. Unless it’s not.
Don’t be afraid of taking the leap. But DO – focus on building a path to success that helps you identify opportunities, without underestimating hurdles. DO – maximize your chance of success and end up with the great business entrepreneurs dream of.
My suggestion: Maximize your time by learning from others.
As a new entrepreneur, DO listen to those who’ve been there who share their best business tips,
Others who have been there, stumbled, possibly wasted their own valuable time, learned, and now do it well.
You are not better off or stronger by choosing to learn everything hard way. Whether it is to defy your parents or feel more independent. You are simply wasting your own time and energy. Heeding proven advice – called sage advice – is one way to learn from others and build a long-term strategy.
Best business tips are sometimes referred to as sage advice!
- According to the Urban Dictionary, it is bad advice from a guy named Sage; that’s not the definition I’m working with today.
- According to other leading dictionary sources such as, Merriam-Webster, and, sage advice is advice or wisdom considered wise, trusted, and having come from a reputable, knowledgeable source.
Old sayings are a type of sage advice or wisdom. They are often repeated and offered to help others learn from those most experienced, and are both art and science. What’s especially great is that it may be “old” or “proven” but the tips are just as valuable today – in 2023!
Routinely, I tell people to pay attention, listen to those around you, and appreciate advice. Once you receive that advice, whether it’s solicited or unsolicited, be appreciative. Then, use it, file it away in case you need it in the future, or chose to disregard it altogether.
Disregarding the advice of others altogether as a continual practice is not in your best interest.
There. I said it. My statement to you. Now use that to your advantage, file it away for another time, or choose to forget I even mentioned it!
Yes, you ARE the blueprint. Got it. But why make life – and building your business – more difficult than it is?
Best practices typically come from other main characters. Don’t be quick to ignore it. They’ve been there, so at least listen and then file it away to reconsider or use later.
For what it’s worth, no matter what you chose to do: you are correct. The definition of “correct” changes with the circumstances and current needs. But do not underestimate the importance of actions others took that actually led to success.
According to numbers expert and brainiac, Jason D, you CAN learn everything the hard way, but you won’t get very far.
So okay, let’s go with that. Maybe you don’t have much more important things to do.
Let’s face facts:
- Formal degree and certification programs, on the job training, and mentorships exist for a reason. Successful businesses maximize their employees’ time and minimize their expenses. You get to catch that in “How to Earn A Profit 101.”
- That support exists for a reason. Cliches exist for a reason. Old sayings exist for a reason. Sage advice is time-honored for a reason.
You cannot productively and efficiently learn everything the hard way.
Let’s face some additional facts:
- Life’s tough. It is. That’s nothing new though. You CAN handle it.
- The economy is in bad shape. Yes. It’s a continuous cycle of bad news – for some. You CAN set yourself apart.
- Maybe you feel lost. Yep. We all go through it. You CAN find your way. That’s especially when good advice will come in handy.
This entrepreneurial stuff is hard. It is. It requires sweat equity. There’s no way around it. Accept this and focus. You Got This.
Tips For Young Entrepreneurs and New Entrepreneurs in 2023
There are thousands to share. I’m giving you 7.
“Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is”
~German Proverb
Be aware of your hurdles, opportunities, and the competition, but do not freeze and let fear keep you from moving forward. You have a solid business idea, so make sure you also have a solid business plan. Be prepared.
“The best way to get started is to quit talking and start doing”
~Walt Disney
“Any job worth doing is worth doing well”
~Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield, in a letter to his son
If you aren’t making the effort to do it well, readjust your priorities and figure out if this is really for you. Many entrepreneurs get excited but are not prepared for the long-term effort. You can do this. Focus on your plan.
“You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs”
~Robert Louis Stevenson
Specialize in what you do best, but be prepared for transformation! You will learn, grow & experience positive change. Learn along the way!
“Your now is not your forever”
~John Green
Overnight successes do not actually happen overnight. Put your time in.
“Pearls don’t lie on the seashore. If you want one, you must dive for it.” ~Chinese proverb
Being an entrepreneur requires personal, well-placed effort. Whether you are a solopreneur, a cofounder, part of a talented team of entrepreneurs working together, one of the keys to a successful startups is a great work ethic!
“Easy come, easy go”
~Chinese proverb
Not if your business is truly meaningful to you. Your ultimate, overarching goal stays the same – your steps may change, but you won’t let go of your dream. Find ways to boost your effectiveness and move your business forward. Use business tools, reduce costs, look for informative content to help you persevere, and take your next positive step.
It all starts with a small win.
Reading this article and heeding sage advice is a solid first step in helping you build.
One of the greatest compliments I ever received was from a woman who worked for me, who told me I was exceptional and different because I learned from her instead of learning everything the hard way. She wasn’t trying to be my boss. She wasn’t speaking down to me. She was my greatest supporter, and I appreciated both her work ethic and her advice.
She was impressed that I listened to those more experienced, and didn’t just value what I learned on the job. I’m not sure where that came from, but frankly I didn’t think every bit of advice was up for discussion, debate, or simply useless until or unless I proved otherwise with my own experience. I was – and still am – always over-scheduled and have too many priorities. In order to grow, I look for the healthy shortcut or knowledge from someone who’s already a proven success.
I was classic type A. I wanted things done right and done yesterday. I didn’t have time to learn everything the hard way. I didn’t need anyone doing the job for me, either. I didn’t need them thinking I didn’t know what I was doing. In the world of business, there must be a respect, a balance, and proper boundaries in the reporting relationship; there was.
Neither of us suggested on the job training wasn’t of incredible value, just the opposite. Learning by doing, acting as an apprentice, performing an internship, and conferring with a mentor is all about maximizing your time, efficiency and making learning fun and worthwhile. You get the practice, and you get guidance, and very often get to build beautiful, lasting relationships. That’s three gets for the price of one.
Back to my friend. She said her own kids preferred to learn the hard way, and suffered needless delays and unnecessary pain as a result. We could debate the many possible reasons as to why – or we could also just ask them. The point is: she offered advice. I listened. I saved time and reached my goals faster and efficiently. The outcome was good.
I attribute appreciating good advice to my success ~ which, meant others connected with me achieved success and made money all along the way too. My advice to you: stop waiting. You are an entrepreneur looking for success. Consider multiple business models to figure out where your business is going and how – and follow these tips.
Soon you’ll have a series of wins. Small wins add up quickly, so plan, focus, and watch that collection of small wins turn into something big! From your first launch, through finding customers, to having the first few supporters join your team, and eventually to where you have thousands of monthly subscribers and repeat customers, you will grow through this series of wins. Celebrate them all!